December 03, 2006

Lindsay Lohan Kicked Out!

The famous Chateau Marmont (built 1929) was Lindsay's permanent home, she stayed there one time and loved the pampering so decided she would live there. Recently Lindsay was dumped by now ex-boyfriend Harry Morton on the back patio. Management doesn't seem to like Lindsay she apparently is too high maintenance, taking five pieces of cake to her room and even being as gutsy as asking staff to go buy her smokes. She lived in one of the suites and kept her belongings in the other three suites along with parties that she often held. When she was asked to downsize she took a fit and was gone in a few weeks. Who does she think she is?!? The Chateau Mormont has been host to bigger stars like Jim Morrison he fell out of one of the hotel windows or John Belushi he died during his stay there from a drug overdose, (January) Jessica Simpson was seen leaving Adam Levine (Maroon 5) room in the same clothes from the night before and of course not to forget Led Zepplin rode their motorcycles through the lobby. I think stars get ridiculous treatment should they be treated like everyone else? Why do they always get all the free stuff ???

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